Monday, October 6, 2008

"Who's My Little Maverick?" by Thom Rutledge

Please read this piece on Open Salon by author Thom Rutledge. It's another incisive and scathing take on Sarah Palin's targeted image, and it's also quite funny. But don't think there isn't a message here; Rutledge is ultimately taking to task the American voters who are being cajoled by this sub-par candidate into submission and approval. Don't let it happen!

Go! Read! Shake Your Head in Disbelief! Agree That It's True! And VOLUNTEER!!!!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, Thank you for helping to spread my little nauseating fantasy of Sarah and John around. And -- amen to your blog headline. I used to be kinder, but in this particular election, the only viable explanation for voting Republican is brain damage. Thom Rutledge

Lisa said...

Amazing piece, Thom, and thanks so much for visiting us here!