Friday, October 24, 2008

Endorsement Round-Up

We know some terrific and well-deserved endorsements of Obama for President have been coming in from all over the U.S., from all sides. Here are a just a few:

The New Yorker, in their issue of October 13: The Choice

The Los Angeles Times, from October 19th: Barack Obama for President

The Chicago Tribune, from October 17th: Tribune Endorsement: Barack Obama for President

Christopher Buckley, from The Daily Beast (and formerly National Review) : Sorry Dad, I'm Voting for Obama

For a truly exciting list of the endorsements so far, from organizations and individuals from all over the spectrum, check out this site. Also the blog Obama Endorsements has been keeping up with all the progress, as well as featuring the pertinent text; they are an excellent source!

Let us savor these endorsements while continuing to fight to elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden!

Go! Read! Learn! Appreciate! Volunteer for Obama-Biden!!!

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